March 18-In Person Meeting 11:30-1:15

This in-person meeting will focus on It's in the Bag details and finalizing tasks for completion. We will also discuss nomination of officers and organization of committees.  Your participation is […]

April 1- In Person Meeting-Pete’s Restaurant and Brewhouse.

Pete's Reataurant & Brewhouse 2100 Arden Way, Suite 123, Sacramento

Nominations for officers will be accepted at this meeting.  Anyone wishing to continue in their current position will be accepted as well. Please RSVP with sigs hospitality  

SIGS Annual Retreat

The Annual Retreat features the election of officers and other club business. Lots of fun too. Location and agenda TBD

It’s in the Bag Fundraiser~May 8,2025

A designer bag and accessories spree presented by Soroptimist International of Greater Sacramento will be held at      Mosaic Law Congregation Center, 5:30 2300 Sierra Boulevard, Sacramento 95825 Ticket […]