LIVE YOUR DREAM AWARDS is a movement fiercely dedicated to ensuring every woman and girl has the opportunity to reach her full potential, be free from violence, and live her dreams.
Our mission is to provide women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment.
Women are economically empowered when they have control over their own finances and wellbeing, and when they have a voice in the financial decisions to shape their lives and the lives of their families. Women are socially empowered when they have a personal sense of autonomy, self-confidence, and the power to control their private and public lives.
Empowerment Through Education & Training By empowering women and girls through access to education and training, the lives of individuals, families, and whole communities can be improved.

Every year, Soroptimist distributes more than $2.8 million in education awards to about 1,700 women all over the world.
Over half of our Live Your Dream Awards recipients are survivors of domestic violence, trafficking or sexual assault. Nearly all of the women and families we serve have overcome enormous obstacles including poverty, teen pregnancy, and drug or alcohol addiction. Live Your Dream Awards recipients may use the cash award to offset any costs associated with their efforts to attain higher education, such as books, childcare, tuition and transportation.
Why We Do It
Education is the pathway to economically empowering women and girls.
When Women Learn
families live healthier lives
When Girls Go to School
they are more likely to get paying jobs and their financial contributions to their families—and their nations—increase
When Girls Have Educated Moms
they are more likely to be enrolled in school and to reach higher levels of education
When Women are Educated
their countries are more likely to have greater economic growth

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Check out the 20/21 Live Your Dream Awards impact!

Soroptimist: Investing in Women’s Empowerment Through Education
The Fels Institute of Government, a research and consulting organization based at the University of Pennsylvania, released a study evaluating the Live Your Dream Awards.